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Her Connect Entrepreneur (February 2023) – Her Connect Hub

Her Connect Entrepreneur (February 2023)

Her Connect Entrepreneur (February 2023)

Her Story

At 7 months old Maisha fled as a refugee from war with her parents. Growing up, Maisha’s childhood was fine until one day when She witnessed her mother being abused by her father. 

“ I grew up in a domestic violence household and was sexually abused as a child by a close family friend. I became very insecure inside – resentful and hated myself. I was bullied and experienced racism growing up in Holland. I had so many complexities- I was suffering from depression, anxiety, panic attacks ”. 

Sadly Maisha got into an abusive relationship where her ex-boyfriend attempted to kill her three times. 

“ I experienced all forms of abuse and tried to commit suicide 8 times. I had no hope and hated my life. But today my life is changed, I no longer suffer from mental ill health or the trauma I experienced. I am happy and at peace, I love myself and look forward to the bright future God has ahead for me “.

Tell us about you and  what you do 

My name is Maisha Sumah , I’m 24 years old and living in London. International multi-award-winning speaker / mental health advocate who inspires empowers and influences thousands of individuals through her platform She Walks in Value, by delivering motivational talks worldwide and seminars plus workshops, one-to-one mentoring and a variety of events with community events being a popular one. She has also been featured in magazines and books. Plus, she has done TV/radio interviews with SKY, BBC Radio London, BBC evening news and BBC Nottingham. and featured in evening news standard, yahoo news and metro newspaper and telegraph on how she overcame her traumatic life experiences to who she is today. recognised by the Queen consort, UK former Prime Minster wife and the former female first president of Australia for her bravery and powerful storytelling. The courageous and trailblazing spirit that she has ready to make a difference in any given opportunity to be a real model and pass hope to others is what makes her stand out! Helping others to find their voice. 

* Why did you decide to be an entrepreneur?

Life after trauma directed me on this path. It wasn’t something I always dreamed of, but once I found my voice and freedom – I wanted to free others. So I made it my mission to create a survivor-led work to bring solution, hope and transformation within the lives of others. 

* What inspired the idea of your brand? 

After I escaped and survived the domestic abuse I faced. And God changed me from within I started to walk in value. That’s how the name came ‘ She Walks In Value ‘ I now walked completely different, my confidence and certainty within myself with my head held up high – loving and respecting myself. And I wanted to create this mission for other women and young girls suffering from any form of violence, by guiding them to walk in whatever they positively wanted to walk in. It could be walking in value, confidence, happiness etc. and leading them to that pathway.

* What motivates you and what are the principles that guide your business?

My faith and foundation are God. From someone who was broken, depressed and suicidal. In an abusive relationship, I was almost murdered on 3 occasions. Why no hope and feeling like I had no purpose in life, to God changing my life completely around is what motivates me to this day. If God could take me out of the pit? What can he not do for me? That’s my drive and assurance to keep going, no matter the adversity that I may face. 

* What has been your greatest entrepreneurial success?

Being listed among the 50 most inspiring black women in the UK and receiving an award from Parliament, whilst also being awarded by the Royal family and invited by her Queen Consort for IWD as an inspiring woman making a difference in society today. Another one would be, being chosen as a UN delegate for the United Nations and Youngest expert representative for the NHS in the whole UK for BME communities. And being part of a campaign where I was on billboards around London for being an inspiration 

* What is your favourite aspect of being a female entrepreneur?

Being a female entrepreneur. Literally that! There is so much power in being a woman and there is so much we have to give! And I would say that is my favourite part. Being a real model for others and inspiring them to get out of their comfort zone and achieve the greatness that is within them. 

* What is the most challenging part of being a female entrepreneur?

Personally speaking, I would say when my health declined at a stage. It was very critical and that meant I could not do the things I use to do until I recovered. As someone who is always on the go, this was difficult. I felt limited and discouraged. But it helped me to value my health much more and set healthy boundaries in place. And bounce back stronger. After all, what’s the benefit of having so much to give from within when you can’t physically give? Both are as important and work hand in hand. So I choose to balance it better now. 

* How your work is changing lives? 

I have received so many kind words from women who have been impacted by the work I have done. Please see below some responses.

‘Hi, Maisha just want to share my appreciation for what you’ve done for me during my most challenging moments. I have been going through domestic violence at home and sought for your advice in moving out of that situation. Not expecting you to offer so much like sharing resources and emotional support. On top of that, you have also shared your testimony which motivated me to go harder. Your Passion, faith and commitment are inspirational. May you continue to be able to touch many other people.  ❤️’

‘Maisha is a dedicated passionate driven and hardworking advocate who has spent years uplifting women. I had the honour of meeting her as she spoke at an event UPF held and she really is passionate about domestic abuse. I am so proud to watch her take the world to ensure more women speak up against domestic abuse in a safe way. This is a long uphill battle and she’s shown through dedication she’s willing to help fight the battle. I am so excited to see where she goes next and I can’t wait to see her take the world by storm.’

* Tell us about your products/services?

She Walks in Value provides international talks, workshops and events in any setting. One-to-one support from a trauma-informed approach. We focus on dealing with Root issues, uprooting them and planting new seeds that will blossom in due time. Women and young girls are at the heart of our work. Validating, empowering them to use their voice and create that domino effect of creating incredible individuals with the passion to make a difference within themselves and in this world. It is all about the community, I come from a community so everything is survivors and community-led.

* Are you married?


* Do you do other things outside your work? Side hustle? Community commitment? Please list them.

Yes, I cook, and making food for my close ones is one of my love languages. I volunteer at my church to support young people, those suffering from mental I’ll health. And I help at the food bank and outreach aspects of things. I also enjoy going to dance classes and socialising, learning different cultures and reading/writing. I love art and swimming it allows me to be creative and think deeply. I find it therapeutic.

* Would you love to share a typical day in your life as a business/career woman with us?

It really differs, some days it is jam-packed some days it is more relaxed. But my consistent routine involves waking up and presenting my day to God. He must be involved in my day and each step as He guides me. My communion with God is the foundation of my day-to-day life as a human before I am a businesswoman. It is what leads to my success. Sometimes, we can get caught up in doing so much and pouring into others, ongoing and nonstop. I love it what a blessing it is to give to others right? But I can only maintain this strength by being a fountain to others by taking care of myself spiritually and mentally. I try to prioritise having breakfast, hot chocolate is my fave haha! And then admin and attend events, deliver talks and workshops- having meetings. Content creation, providing one-to-one mentoring with the girls I mentor and sometimes taking myself out. Self-care is key for me – reflection and working out as I believe in taking care of your well-being holistically.

* What one piece of advice would you give to other aspiring women looking up to you?

Invest in what matters. YOU! Invest in you. That is the most important and valuable piece of advice I would give you. What is the point of having all the material achievements but you don’t have inner peace? When you first take care of yourself, the rest will be added. You will naturally attract opportunities, and achievements. You won’t need to chase it, it will chase you. Once you have established that you will be of influence to make a positive impact in whatever capacity that make look like. Remember, You are more than capable to be successful and fulfil your dreams – don’t let anyone stop you. I cannot wait for you to blossom and reach your potential. 

* Your contact details & social media handles

IG: Maishasumah__

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